decision to withdraw
- 取出(或撤离、取款、退出)的决定

We took the decision to withdraw a quantity of stock from sale .
The public protested against the country 's decision to withdraw from the European Union .
At least two Harvard professors , however , questioned the decision to withdraw the offers .
He advertised them of his decision to withdraw from the election .
Was the reversal of kennedy 's decision to withdraw from vietnam .
It says that the president has graciously rescinded the decision to withdraw from international competition .
It 's most direct and tragic result was the reversal of Kennedy 's decision to withdraw from Vietnam .
The UWSA decision to withdraw had started the6 year long tensions between Panghsang and Naypyitaw .
Many people , whether football fans or not , were thrilled at his decision to withdraw from football and attack corruption amongst football bosses .
The refusal of a patient to participate in a study or the patient 's decision to withdraw from the study must never interfere with the patient-physician relationship .
The Thai Natural Resource and Environment Minister , Suwit Khunkitti , announced Sunday 's decision to withdraw from the World Heritage Convention .
President Biden has defended his decision to withdraw U.S. troops from Afghanistan , a move which led the Taliban to the Taliban returning to power .
It said it stood by its initial decision to withdraw the audits because information it received from prosecutors showed Yukos management had lied to it about four key transactions .
Tsvangirai said he remains convinced his decision to withdraw was the right decision , and he again said he believes the election will be an illegitimate sham .
Thus while Mr Obama 's decision to withdraw from Iraq wins universal applause , his determination to reinforce Nato 's effort in Afghanistan is cause for foreboding .
German Chancellor Angela Merkel was blind-sided by AxelWeber 's decision to withdraw his name from contention for the European Central Bank 's top spot .
A decision to withdraw from , or at least significantly reduce , an inherited policy could actually strengthen the leadership , by giving more space and energy to push through other ambitious plans .
Jen Richards , a transgender writer and actor , celebrated Ms Johansson 's decision to withdraw from the film in " the spirit of generosity . "
The decision to withdraw the film rather than submit to censorship comes amid a growing determination on the part of multinationals to resist illiberal rules in the markets in which they operate .
The speed of the Taliban offensive has raised criticism of U.S. President Joe Biden 's decision to withdraw American troops - 20 years after they ousted the Taliban following the Sept. 11 attacks on the U.S.
His first foreign policy decision is whether to withdraw from Iraq , and the major political problem throughout his reign is Palestine .
The decision by Minmetals to withdraw also suggests a more bearish view than Barrick on the price of copper , which is driven by Chinese demand .
Net that the decision of the journal to withdraw the papers was " drastic "( see India'needs independent ethics body'says watchdog ) .
Mr Sarkozy had weathered the denunciations that followed his decision in 2010 formally to withdraw France from the EU 's regimes on competition and state aid .